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Monday, November 29, 2010

"You have been married awhile. When are you going to have kids?"

These were that exact words a member at my job asked me today. It's happen before many times but this time really was a knife through the heart. I kind of thought in my head, " Is this guy serious?" Does he really want to know the reason why I am not pregnant by now? Should it even be his business? Has the thought even crossed his mind that maybe she is having problems conceiving? My response was " Have a nice day, Sir", while cursing the daylights out on him at the same time in my head. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and call it harmless and human nature to ask. It just really hurts inside and adds fuel to the fire. I've learned through this experience not to ask personal questions with people I don't really know so well. If someone doesn't volunteer information, don't be the one to ask first.


  1. Aw im sorry lisa. People can be so ignorant. Its none of his business an besides some people actually choose not to have kids anyways. Try not to let it bother you as hard as i know that is. Idk which is worse, being asked if you are pregnant when you are not and its been over 2 years since you gave birth or being asked why arent you pregnant by now. Both comments are so hurtful and really tugs at your heart and your emotions and makes you on the verge of tears from a complete stranger. I love you. Again, another great blog :)

  2. Thanks for your comment Tiff! I really appreciate the encouragement. I'm sorry that you can relate to this blog. People just really need to learn how to mind their own business. love u too!
